Turning my phone off, on Do Not Disturb(DND) more accurately, has been really great for my mental health. I already started practicing limiting time on social media last year but during this process of learning how to care for myself again I realized my phone gives me anxiety as well.
The phone rings, I have to answer. A text alert who is it? I should answer right away. Vibrate didn’t work, it still makes me pause and notice it. But I have done this for several reasons.
Firstly, I spend time on my phone to procrastinate. Which I am sure most of us can say is accurate. But I have big goals and I can’t reach them while fucking around on Facebook all day looking at memes and cute kitties.
Now social media has an important role for me. It’s how I share my messages with you as well as connecting with other like minded people. And in the future will be a huge part of running my business. But let’s be honest, we are not spending all our time working that business when we are on Facebook. Now currently I give myself 30 minutes a day. I could probably do less given my current need to be there but I went from hours to 30 mins so cold turkey is hard. I’m addicted. No lies.
Second, I don’t need to feel the need to respond to every call and text. If it’s important they will leave a message. I know… Gasp… A Voicemail. But seriously if you really need something leave me a voice mail or call again. With DND you can usually set it up to ring your phone for repeat callers. Let me tell you most of my calls I get are not life or death and can be handled when I am ready. And I don’t have to feel the dread from not answering right away as my ringer goes off.
Last, there are two people who I need to be constantly connected with. My husband and daughter. I don’t get anxious about their calls or text but for me, they are the only ones that need access to me 24/7. Besides my daughter is usually home with me, for now, and my husband is working so the disruptions from random text are rare.
After a few short weeks what I have learned is that I have actually been more productive. Okay well this week because I only just started to crawl out of my hole that I let myself move into. But yes I am more focused on what I want to be doing and what I need to do. I even left my phone at home the other day and felt no urgency to run back in to get it. My husband had his phone and that was enough.
We do not have to be turned on all the time and that is something we all should practice. You might realize how much time you waste and find you are missing out on opportunities to get shit done because you are on your phone bullshitting or answering every call and text as it comes in.
I am not saying ignore everyone or give up your phone. But disconnect more. You deserve it.